The forgotten legend of ECA Stack
ECA Stack - what happened to the legendary ephedra? ECA Stack is an umbrella name for products consisting of three strictly defined components, i.e. Ephedrine (E – ephedrine) Caffeine (C – caffeine) Aspirin (A – aspirine) occurring in different proportions, but always in the same combination! The above systematisation is done in order to clarify any doubts about what the article is talking about and what it describes and what it does not describe. Specifically, we are referring to the countless number of incandescents pretending to contain ephedra, insinuating that they contain ephedra, but in fact do not. We are

Clomid (clomifene) – all you need to know
Clomid – what it is, how it works, how to dose. Basic information about the measure in the shortest, most informative form general description Clomid is the common name for clomiphene citrate, a drug used to treat female infertility. Its action is to reduce the negative effect of oestrogens on the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis, enhancing the secretion of LH and FSH, which has the effect of stimulating the onset of ovulation. general action However, this is not the only use of this preparation – it is also used in doping. The action of clomiphene citrate is based on blocking the

Most comprehensive list of steroids, all explained
List of steroids used in sport 1.1 Testosterone Testosterone propionate (100 mg) 1.1.2. Testosterone enanthate (250 mg) 1.1.3. Testosterone cypionate (250 mg) 1.1.4. Testosterone sustanon (250mg) 1.1.5. Testosterone mix (300, 400 mg) 1.2 Nandrolone 1.2.1. Nandrolone phenylpropionate (100 mg) 1.2.2. Nandrolone decanoate 1.2.3. Nandrolone Mix (300 mg) 1.3 Masteron 1.3.1. Masteron propionate (100 mg) 1.3.2. Masteron enanthate (200 mg) 1.3.3. Masteron Mix (200 mg) 1.4 Boldenone 1.4.1. Tribold, Bold mix, equipoise 1.5 Trenbolone 1.6 Methanabol 1.6.1 I have no fucking idea 1.7 Winstrol 1.7.1 Winstrol depot – a forgotten legend of the 1990s 1.8 Anapolon 1.8.1 Anapolon – what dosage

Steroid addiction – real disorder or media fiction?
Steroid addiction – real disorder or media fiction? 1. A word of introduction Are anabolic-androgenic steroids addictive? When I first heard this question I had a big problem not to take it as sarcasm. In all the time I’ve been involved with figure sports, I’ve never met a person who would raise the issue of steroid addiction with me. And believe me, over the years people have told me really crazy stories in confidence. But no one has ever admitted that they have lost control of their lives because of these drugs. Nevertheless, some people are starting to ask this

Side effects of steroids, a short list with possible solutions
Side effects of steroids, a short list with possible solutions The use of every possible steroid (not just the androgenic-anabolic ones) comes with the risk of side effects. The risks and their severity are closely related to the doses we use, however, there is no way to completely eliminate both the mild and potentially dangerous risks associated with the use of anabolic steroids. Some of the common side effects you may experience are: Fluid retention Due to the rapid increase in muscle mass, and the rise in oestrogen levels, excessive water retention occurs in the body. To a certain extent,

Getting in shape in time for summer
Getting in shape in time for summer – Propionate and Oxandrolone as the safest and express solution. We are all fed up with the current restrictions that have been put in place as part of the fight against the virus. Our form has suffered, because how to exercise when there is nowhere to go. Maybe such a recovery period is useful, but it was usually the case that the pre-holiday period was all about honing our form for the summer. Last increments, a bit of cutting and the beach. The good news is that the gyms are starting soon.